
It's Sure to Fall Soon

Originally uploaded by YourAuntBee.

Last Sunday, I was sleeping on the couch underneath the windows at Raw and Casey's.

I woke up to a loud clap of thunder and a few minutes later, there was another. It sounded as though the lightning had hit pretty close, but I didn't hear any other rumbles.

I was just falling back to sleep when I heard a different kind of rumble. It was the wind and it was blowing hard.

The building shook with the force of it and just as abruptly as it had started, the wind was done.

A minute later, another big gust came along. I looked outside to see tree branches flailing wildly and then rest.

When the next gust came along, Raw's parents came out to see what was happening. "Should we be worried?"

"I don't know. I think it's just wind," I replied as I turned on the television.

I flipped to The Weather Channel and we saw the scroll at the bottom of the screen as another gust of wind shook the building: "Severe Thunderstorm Warning."

Just then, the tornado sirens started sounding.

Raw came flying through the room with the baby. Apparently, she had looked outside and saw things just hanging in the air.

She and her mom rushed to the laundry room in the basement. I went to the bathroom, put on my shoes, gathered my camera, phone and bag. Then I thought to grab Raw's purse and went to the basement.

After I made sure the three ladies in the basement were okay and gave Raw her purse, I did what every smart person who grew up in Tornado Alley does . . .

I went outside to take pictures.

There was a bunch of rotation in the clouds. Unfortunately, that doesn't really come across in the pictures.

Nothing really happened where we were. But apparently, the rest of Lawrence got toasted.

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