
Your Sky Has Holes


Last night, I had a dream about a newscast in which the reporter was talking about someone being dead. But they kept showing pictures of Jack Nicholson and he wasn't the dead guy. I was laughing in my dream about how embarrassing it had to be for the reporter to have screwed up so badly.

Today, I put in the Jesse James movie and there was a preview for a Jack Nicholson movie. That's when I remembered my dream. Except I couldn't remember who the reporter had said was dead. For some reason, it hit me later on during the (boring) movie that the dead guy was Charlton Heston.

I just saw this story.

So I'm pretty sure that, while some people dream in color, I dream in newscasts that predict the future.

I don't think it had anything to do with the fact that I fell asleep on the couch with a news channel blaring on the television.

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