
To be Safe Up Here with You

Originally uploaded by YourAuntBee.

Last night, I hunkered down on the couch to watch my latest Netflix choice, I Heart Huckabees. (Which I loved, by the way, but don't think I'd recommend it to everyone.)

Cijay was quite restless and couldn't seem to decide where to sit. It appeared that all of his favorite, most fur-covered areas, did not have satistfactory views of me. Can't let me out of your sights, you know--I'm trouble!

Normally, Cijay hangs out on the back of the couch if I'm on it. Lately, he's been avoiding that area. He feels crowded by the futon.

I'm getting rid of my futon. I'm supposed to be taking it to my brother, but for now, it's sitting on its side right behind the couch. You'd think it would make a nice backrest for a cat, but apparently Cijay had other ideas.

Originally uploaded by YourAuntBee.

While I was trying to watch the movie, I was disturbed by some sort of scratching sound. I looked around, and wasn't able to see Cijay right away. I wasn't looking in the right place. He had perched himself on top and inside the futon.

Cats are comfortable in the weirdest places.

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