
And Mitigation is Important to Our Agency

Drowning Trees in B&W
Originally uploaded by YourAuntBee.

Just when you're starting to have hope for the future of the press . . .

"Rupert Murdoch's attempts to retain control of his News Corp media empire got a boost yesterday after his ally, the Saudi investor Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, took a 5.5 per cent stake in the company's voting stock."
Saudi Prince Takes News Corp Stake
Saeed Shah
The Independent, Online Edition

After writing my last post, I found someone who wrote what I was having difficulty expressing:

"Negrin is one of the few politicians so far who has earned respect for his efforts. Blunt and plainspoken, he’s shown the quality so often missing from our politicians, and the one that made Rudy Giuliani a hero after 9/11: basic humanity. He seems as agonized as his city, and the simple fact that under extreme duress he demands immediate help instead of interminable promises shows him refreshingly normal. His remonstrations touch the same nerve many of us feel watching the delayed or inadequate rescue efforts. The same can’t be said for other politicians: Congressmen try to show their common bonds to the suffering people of the Gulf Coast, but the effect is strained and off-kilter. Though I often dream scientists have achieved an intravenous serum (composed of blood thinners and massive doses of chocolate ice cream) that will assist legislative members in pretending they still possess actual emotions, the injection has yet to prove a 100 percent success. The serum has been particularly ineffective in Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, who shocks and horrifies everyone when he says New Orleans could never be rebuilt as it used to be and that, 'It looks like a lot of that place could be bulldozed.'"
Life Goes On
Tobias Seamon
The Morning News

Where is the inspiration? Certainly not in Barbara Bush. I've read reports that she actually chuckled in the middle of this quote.

"'And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway,' she said, 'so this is working very well for them.'"
Barbara Bush Calls Evacuees Better Off
The New York Times on the Web

If you'd like something worth chuckling over, listen to the FEMA for Kids Rap.

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