The seventh of March was quite a big day for me. Not only was Sophia born, but I had a Pampered Chef party to attend.
And Marcus and I had tickets to see 311 in concert at The Cotillion.
Marcus made it to town about six, which gave him just enough time to attend the Pampered Chef party with me. Needless to say, he was the only male over the age of five in attendance.
After the party, we drove across town to The Cotillion and parked approximately twelve miles away.
Well, maybe not quite that far, but pretty far. We still arrived in plenty of time to have a couple of drinks before 311 took the stage.
Back in the days when I was going to a lot of concerts, I was always right in the middle of it all. I would push and fight my way to the very front, no matter how far back I started.
But this time, I had decided that I was going to take it easy and hang out toward the back of the crowd. I was hoping to get some good photos.
After Marcus has had a couple of beers, his bladder shrinks to the size of a peanut. So just a couple of songs into the show, he had to head toward the bathroom.
While he was gone, I inched my way a little closer to the stage. Just to get a better shot, of course!
Marcus made his way back and managed to find me. It was funny to see how into the show he was.
This was his first concert that wasn't in a huge venue or just a little localish band. It's a lot easier to get into shows like this one. I think I even caught him dancing.
It really was a great concert, even though they didn't play my favorite 311 song.

Every few songs, Marcus would head to the bathroom and I would end up even closer to the stage. Eventually, I grabbed him and dove into the masses.
We ended up going through a bit of a mosh pit. I stuck to what I had learned in the old ways and made my way through.
I turned around to see Marcus with this surprised look on his face getting popped from all sides. I nearly fell to the ground laughing.
I ended up just one row from the front and looked back to find Marcus. He was about four more rows behind me, lifting someone onto the crowd.
From then on, everytime I looked back, Marcus was hoisting a crowd surfer into the air. I, on the other hand, was not paying attention and missed the carry on a few surfers. I felt bad, especially when one guy fell down right beside me. Oops!
After the show, I found Marcus panting. "I've got to sit down! I can't breathe!"
Apparently all the excitement an workout was just too much for him. He really must be getting old!
Happy birthday, Widuh Bwudah!
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