
And Guide Her


Tonight, I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.

Of course, the showing we originally intended to see was sold out, so we had to wait around. Once we finally got seated, we had to wait around some more.

But once the lights dimmed, we thought surely it wouldn't be long.

We were wrong.

"We're glad you chose our theatre to enjoy this movie," the Movie Man voice said. "But may we have your attention for just a moment."

He then had a lot of very nice things to say about Memorial Day and the "Star Spangled Banner" started playing.

"Should we stand?" I asked Doll.

Then the song changed its tune to "God Bless America." You know . . . the one about "my home sweet home."

It was the Celine Dion version. You know . . . a Canadian.

I guess maybe the song is about God blessing North America.

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