
Took Some Time to Celebrate

Ready to Christen the New Couch

Yes. It has been a long time since you've heard from me.

No. Poop week didn't completely take it out of me.

Last week, I took the week off from work. I scheduled the vacation way back in January and just within the last couple of months, I ended up scheduling all kinds of stuff during my holiday.

I had my calendar booked solid with weddings and taking care of Maizey and Milo and birthday dinners and lunches.

Oh and did I mention I had The Boy from Monday through Thursday? Kids are kinda hard to take care of, huh?

So it was a busy week and part of the time, I was without internet access. But I'm back and promise a post every day this week.

I can't guarantee quality, but there will definitely be something here.

Thank you for all of your birthday greetings. I appreciate them all. The countdown is on. Only three-hundred sixty-two days until my birthday!

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